Atlantic County, NJ, is one of the loveliest parts of The Garden State to live in or to visit. It’s home to 14 miles of sandy beaches to stroll along and some of New Jersey’s most tranquil communities, from Egg Harbor Township to Mays Landing.

While Atlantic County is among the best places to live in Southern Jersey and the Northeastern U.S. as a whole —- it hasn’t been spared the ravages of the addiction crisis in New Jersey or America’s War on Drugs.

Overcoming Addiction in Atlantic County, NJ

If you know anything about substance use disorders —- you probably know that addiction is a disease of the mind that does not discriminate. Addiction does not care how solid (or traumatic) your family life is. Heroin, cocaine, and Adderall addiction don’t care how affluent you are, where you went to college, or who your parents are. 

Yes, both nature (genetics) and nurture (experiences) play a role in how addiction develops — it’s true. But whether you live in Absecon or Gallaway Township, how you or your loved one’s addiction began is not the most important thing right now.

What you really want to know is:

How does someone living in Atlantic County find recovery and stay sober and drug-free?

If you live in Egg Harbor, Hamilton Township, or any other city in Atlantic County and you’re looking for addiction help — you are fortunate. Southern NJ, and Atlantic County in particular, happens to have some of the best substance abuse treatment and recovery support in the country.

Here are the steps to follow for an Atlantic County resident looking for addiction help:

  1. Call us at  (833) 680-0142 and tell us your story. 
  2. Ask for averification of benefits” — this will tell you how your insurance can help.
  3. Complete a phone assessment. 
  4. Wait for admission to be clinically approved.
  5. Prepare to enter treatment.

Sound simple?  Well, it is.

Note we said simple, not easy. Recovery is hard. But, beginning with a foundation of solid, evidence-based addiction treatment is the best single thing you can do to get off to a good start. Just remember that treatment is only the beginning of recovery from a substance use disorder.

What If I Don’t Feel Ready for Rehab?

Well, you landed on this page for a reason. Deep down inside, some part of you knows you need help. It’s perfectly normal to be afraid. We get it. Most of us here are in addiction recovery ourselves or have family members who are. 

We do this work because we truly care about helping the sick and suffering. We’ve been there. 

We know the fear of withdrawal. We understand the fear of imagining life sober. Facing uncomfortable feelings without alcohol or fentanyl or Xanax…or whatever to numb you. It’s OK. The fact that you’re reading these words right now is reason enough to have hope. Don’t let go of that. Give us a call right now and talk to us. 

We won’t twist your arm or force you to come to rehab in NJ. We don’t bite, promise. But we might just be able to take that little spark of hope you have and turn it into a flame

My Loved One is Addicted But Refusing to Go to Rehab

This is one of the most challenging situations a parent, spouse, child, or sibling ever has to go through. Watching someone you love destroying themselves with alcohol or drugs is sheer torture. But do not give up on them. Even if you think your loved one in Atlantic County isn’t ready for treatment —- call Achieve Wellness and Recovery anyway.

Interventions in Atlantic County

We can help more than you might imagine. Whether you just need moral support or want advice on formulating a strategy, we’re here to help. We can connect you to a professional interventionist in Atlantic County, NJ. We can also help you make a list of resources to stage a family intervention.

Hold On To Hope and Be Prepared

You never know when the opportunity to get the person you love into addiction treatment in Atlantic County will arise. You want to be ready to strike while the iron is hot. Whether you plan an intervention or not —- we can help you be ready so when the day comes, admitting your loved one for alcohol and drug treatment will be as simple as possible.

Resources for Addiction Recovery in Atlantic County, NJ

While Southern NJ has had more than its share of blows from the addiction crisis, it also happens to offer fertile ground for recovery. Anyone who lives in Atlantic County and is looking for help with addiction can succeed — as long as they are willing and determined. 

We’re not suggesting it’s easy. It isn’t. Recovering from addiction is the hardest thing many people ever do in their lives — but it’s also one of the most worthwhile. Ask around. You will have a hard time finding people who regret getting sober — believe us.

First Things First: Addiction Treatment in Atlantic County, NJ

Atlantic County happens to be home to one of the most innovative substance use disorder treatment programs in the U.S. Achieve Wellness and Recovery is uniquely positioned to help you or the person you love transform their lives and establish long-term recovery. We offer everything from access to the best medical detoxes in our area to full-day partial hospitalization treatment (PHP) and convenient intensive outpatient (IOP) and outpatient treatment for addiction in Atlantic County.

Time Takes Time: Building Long-Term Recovery in South Jersey

Great substance abuse treatment helps you safely detox from alcohol and drugs. It also helps you build a solid foundation for your recovery and gives you powerful tools to continue your growth and avoid relapse. But it’s important to know that rehab doesn’t “cure” addiction. If you want to stay sober, you must maintain and nurture your recovery. 

Working the steps (yes, all 12 of them) in a 12-step fellowship program is one clinically proven way to do that. If you aren’t comfortable with 12-step recovery, there are alternatives. Just remember that you need something

Don’t make the mistake of thinking you can go to treatment for addiction and then stay sober for life with no support. Stick with outpatient counseling as long as you can. Follow your aftercare plan. Go to meetings or find a suitable alternative support framework for your recovery.

12-Step Meetings in Atlantic County

  • Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) has more than 100 meetings a week here.
  • Narcotics Anonymous (NA) has more than 70 weekly meetings here.

Alternatives to 12-Step Programs:

  • S.M.A.R.T. Recovery
  • Rational Recovery
  • Life Ring
  • Refuge Recovery

Innovative Substance Abuse Treatment in Atlantic County, NJ

Achieve Wellness & Recovery is a team of addiction specialists passionate about helping people find sobriety and build new lives in recovery. If you or someone you love is ready for change — we’re ready to help. 

Even if you’re not sure if you or your family member is ready, we want to hear from you. You would be amazed where just the tiniest amount of hope and faith can take you. So, no excuses — you’ve probably got the phone in your hand right now. Don’t let another day or night go to waste.

Call us:  (833) 680-0142

You can also click here to find out how our program can work with your insurance.

Begin The Journey To Lasting Recovery